Monthly Archives: December 2015

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In this free Action Summary of Think and Grow Rich by Napolen Hill, in red I have highlighted the actions he gives you as part of the process. That means every time he tells you to DO something, you will find that something in red.  If you do the actions in red here, you will succeed. Yet this is a summary of the actions only, and the actions alone are not sufficient for full comprehension.  In reading the book, there is a definite progression of thoughts building one upon the next.  There is a psychological reason for the language, and sometimes absence of language.  So reading this summary will not give you the entire insight that reading the book will, and indeed you will miss the best part. You’ll still be successful but you will miss the best part.

Click here for nifty Flip Book version –>


Click here for the FREE e-book in pdf format –>


Sample: The Second Step toward Riches